Learn how to build a website

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There's a new website/service that just launched in Chicago called Dabble.  The idea behind the site is that if you're interested in learning something, you can sign up for a class and "Dabble" a little bit to see if you want to learn more.

Likewise, if you know how to do something and are interested in teaching other folks how to do it, you can sign up to teach a class.

They have everything from photography, to welding, to drawing.  It's a great site, and a great idea.

Using Dabble, I'm happy to announce a class I'll be teaching on Saturday June eleventh titled "Build a Great Website on Your Own".  The class will start at 10am and go until about 1pm, and will be held in my office that I share with some other entrepreneurs in Wicker Park.

I'm limiting this first class to 5 people so I can ensure enough attention will be paid to everyone, and that you'll be able to walk out of the class with your first website built and launched.

I'll talk with everyone individually to understand what kind of site you want built - whether it's a marketing site, a personal site, or a blog - and then work with you to pick the best platform for your needs and get your first site launched.

If you've been wanting to build a website but weren't quite sure where to start, sign up for my class on Dabble.  It's a small fee of $20 - which is also the minimum price Dabble allows you to charge - and I'll donate any proceeds I earn to the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

I hope to see you there!

UPDATE: Received word today (Wed. 5/26) that this class has sold out.