How to Create a Background Text Fade-In Effect on Your Website

While we were building the Minneapolis Yoga Conference website, we had a neat idea. We wanted text to start off blurred in the background, slowly become visible while you scroll down the page, and finally become readable when you reached the bottom. We thought it looked similar to other parallax effects out there, but it didn't quite fit the definition.

A background text fade-in effect looks like this.

As you scroll down the page, the background text becomes more visible. Once you reach the bottom, you can finally read through the content.

As you scroll down the page, the background text becomes more visible. Once you reach the bottom, you can finally read through the content.

The text behind the photos starts as an absolute positioned element behind the foreground. Once you scroll to the images, the text becomes fixed. When you've finally scrolled to the end of the images, the text falls into the normal flow of the page, a static position.

Here's how you can do this.

1. Start with this template

We want to separate the foreground and background layers. Constructing them as separate div elements helps us do that. We also declare which background layer will be attached to the foreground.

<div class="background-container">
  <div class="foreground-layer" data-background-layer="background">
      <img src="" width="350" height="350">
      <h5>Image 1</h5>
      <img src="" width="350" height="350">
      <h5>Image 2</h5>
      <img src="" width="350" height="350">
      <h5>Image 3</h5>
      <img src="" width="350" height="350">
      <h5>Image 4</h5>
      <img src="" width="350" height="350">
      <h5>Image 5</h5>
  <div class="background-layer" id="background">
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur dictum id nulla quis gravida. Donec et velit sapien. Quisque augue eros, porttitor vel finibus et, consequat ac ante. Morbi eleifend diam vitae purus mattis interdum. Aliquam vitae orci ante. Maecenas non odio urna. Nullam lobortis turpis eget sem accumsan, ac laoreet turpis ullamcorper. Donec quis quam erat. Nam vulputate metus a nisi placerat, a ullamcorper nisi semper. Nulla facilisi. Ut molestie tempus egestas. Nunc lacinia libero sit amet eleifend pellentesque. Etiam sit amet lorem quam. Suspendisse potenti.

      Fusce nunc nisl, ullamcorper vel congue vel, aliquet ut purus. Praesent laoreet ipsum porta sem dictum, at malesuada tortor ullamcorper. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce vel dui at nulla gravida gravida sit amet quis dui. Cras nec leo metus. Phasellus dignissim, nunc id interdum rutrum, enim turpis pharetra dolor, vel vehicula justo nulla vel quam. Vivamus dapibus dolor id nunc dapibus, id aliquet eros euismod.

      Sed ac tincidunt tortor, sagittis hendrerit massa. Sed volutpat, dui eu ornare mattis, urna enim tincidunt tellus, eu hendrerit lectus ipsum vitae libero. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas rutrum, ex ut ultricies ornare, mauris lorem ornare libero, vitae malesuada tortor arcu quis purus. Sed felis odio, facilisis ac egestas in, malesuada nec lacus. Quisque metus erat, aliquam et sollicitudin et, consectetur nec est. Nullam eget nisl quis lectus tempor faucibus. Vestibulum auctor purus id orci dapibus, vitae ullamcorper erat dapibus. Maecenas egestas vitae nisi quis sollicitudin. Cras odio purus, fermentum et hendrerit ac, ultricies a dui. Pellentesque dictum massa faucibus, rutrum eros vitae, facilisis tellus. Morbi vulputate, metus et accumsan interdum, sem eros ultrices dolor, non tristique lacus libero sit amet massa. Donec mollis sapien augue, at ornare libero dictum non. Curabitur in ante venenatis, egestas ante id, sagittis dui.

  <img src="" width="350" height="350">
  <h5>Filler Image</h5>
  <img src="" width="350" height="350">
  <h5>Filler Image</h5>
  <img src="" width="350" height="350">
  <h5>Filler Image</h5>

2. Put the background layer behind the foreground layer

The starter template doesn't have anything special to it. The background layer begins on the page where the foreground layer ends. The page flows normally. We need the background layer to appear behind the foreground layer.

.background-container {
  position: relative;

.background-layer {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;

We do this by using absolute positioning on the background layer. The background layer will be absolute positioned relative to the background container. If you have a bunch of content above the background container section, doing this makes sure the background text starts in the right position.

3. Blur the background text

Without doing something with the background text, the foreground will be hard to read. We chose to blur the background text and make it semi-transparent.

.background-container {
  position: relative;

.background-layer {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  filter: blur(3px);
  opacity: 0.1;

Your eyes can see something there, but it's not distracting you from the content in the foreground. Be careful with this part. You don't want to let this effect cause problems for people using your website. If the foreground is hard to read, something is wrong.

This is what it looks like on the Minneapolis Yoga Conference website. Although it's blurred and barely visible, you can see the text behind the images.

This is what it looks like on the Minneapolis Yoga Conference website. Although it's blurred and barely visible, you can see the text behind the images.

4. Use JavaScript to listen to scroll events

At this point, we want to setup some JavaScript to listen to scroll events. In our case, we still use jQuery so we continued to use it here. If you don't use jQuery, you could just as easily use window.addEventListener and listen for the scroll event.

Now, the end goal is this:

  • When you scroll down the page, the background text decreases its blur effect and increases its opacity.

  • When you scroll up the page, the background text increases its blur effect and decreases its opacity.

Before we actually do that, we need to do some calculations. We need to know the following:

  • How far down the page have we scrolled?

  • When does the foreground element begin? When does it end?

  • How far have we scrolled within the foreground element?

Like we mentioned in the introduction to this post, we want the background to start as an absolute positioned element. Once we are scrolling inside the foreground, the background should be fixed. Finally, when we scroll past the foreground, the background should flow normally within the page so we can start reading the text.

  function(event) {
    // How far have we scrolled down the page?
    var scrollDepth = $(this).scrollTop()
    var $foreground = $("[data-background-layer]")
    var $background = $( '#' + $"background-layer") )
    // We need to calculate the height of the foreground layer.
    // This will allow us to transition the background layer
    // from blurred and transparent to in-focus and opaque as we
    // near the bottom of the foreground.
    var foregroundHeight = $foreground.height()
    // The background layer starts as an absolute positioned element,
    // sitting below the foreground layer.
    // When we start scrolling, we'll need to change the background layer
    // to a fixed position.
    // When should we change the background layer to a fixed position?
    var startPosition = $foreground.offset().top
    // When we are done scrolling through the foreground, we need
    // to change the background layer to a static position. This will
    // allow the background to flow with the page as normal, sitting
    // directly below the foreground layer.
    // When should we change the background layer to a static position?
    var endPosition = startPosition + foregroundHeight
    // This is how far we've scrolled relative to the foreground layer.
    var currentPosition = scrollDepth - startPosition
    // We want to use our currentPosition to slowly decrease the blur
    // value and increase the opacity value.
    var initialFilterValue = 3
    var filterValue = initialFilterValue - currentPosition / foregroundHeight * 3
    var initialOpacityValue = 0.1
    var opacityValue = initialOpacityValue + currentPosition / foregroundHeight * 0.9

5. Update the position, blur, and opacity values based on scroll depth

We use the values we calculated in step four to update the position of the background text element. When we are scrolling within the foreground, the background should have a fixed position. Once we reach the end of the foreground, we change the background to a static position. This allows the background to "fall into" the normal flow of the page.

Using the calculations above, all you need to do is add this to the end of your scroll event handler.

We handle the position changes of the background element. Also, we use the blur and opacity values we calculated to update these updates as you scroll up or down.

if (scrollDepth >= endPosition) {
  // We've reached the end of the foreground. The background should now
  // flow as normal below the foreground.
  $background.css({ position: "static", filter: "none", opacity: "1" })
} else if (scrollDepth >= startPosition) {
  // We are now scrolling within the foreground. We use the values
  // we calculated previously.
  $background.css({ position: "fixed", filter: "blur("+filterValue+"px)", opacity: opacityValue })
} else {
  // We are above the foreground somewhere. We reset the background
  // to its initial values.
  $background.css({ position: "absolute", filter: "blur("+initialFilterValue+"px)", opacity: initialOpacityValue })

6. Make a couple small updates to make things smooth

At this point, things may be a little jumpy and may not work exactly as we described. You may notice the background element doesn't smoothly transition once you scroll past the foreground.

To fix this, you can give a margin-bottom to the foreground element. This margin will be equal to the height of the background element. We do this so the background element has room on the page to flow into once we change the position to static.

if (scrollDepth >= endPosition) {
  $foreground.css({ "margin-bottom": "" })
} else {
  $foreground.css({ "margin-bottom": $background.height() })

Finally, you'll likely want to make a few updates to your stylesheet. The final styles should look something like this.

.background-container {
  position: relative;

.foreground-layer {
  position: relative;
  z-index: 2;

.background-layer {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 1;
  filter: blur(3px);
  opacity: 0.1;

Basically, we want to define our intentions here. The background layer should be in a layer below the foreground. Giving the background a z-index of 1 and the foreground a z-index of 2 accomplishes this.

Wrapping Up

In the end, I think we'll use this effect sparingly. It certainly has its place. We don't want to distract people from what's important, like signing up for a mailing list or buying a product. However, this background text fade-in effect was something we were happy with.

Our goal was for people to scroll through the entire list of presenters and read what's below. Hiding the content below the presenters seemed like a good way to do that. As the content comes into view, people will be more likely to continue scrolling down the page.

Do you like this effect? Is it too much? Let us know in the comments.

How we built the Minneapolis Yoga Conference website

We built a website for the Minneapolis Yoga Conference taking place in March 2018. The website recently launched and we want to tell you how we built it.

Last year, the Minneapolis Yoga Conference website was made on Squarespace. Squarespace is easy for non-developers, but you can't always get everything just the way you want it. It's tough to fully customize unless you engage a developer who knows the platform. In the end, you might be stuck with a theme that looks ok, but isn't quite what you want.

Taking some of the positives of Squarespace, we knew we wanted to build something custom while still allowing non-developers a decent experience. Ultimately, that means non-developers should be able to edit content and they should be able to use tools they're familiar with.

To sum it up, a developer shouldn't be required to change a description of a class or a picture of a presenter.

We also wanted to build with the tools and frameworks we use every day. We use Rails and Bootstrap every day. So that's what we used here.

There are a few things we'd like to share with you. Before we built anything, we organized a style guide. Then, we enabled content editing with simple text files. Finally, we want to share how we learned to build horizontal touch scrolling for mobile devices.

Style Guide

If I had to choose one thing which contributed to the success of the project, the style guide would be my first choice. When you start a website, it's like a puzzle box with no pieces inside. Your designer might give you a picture of what the puzzle looks like when it's finished; but how do you get there? You could start building the pieces as you go, but what if you build the wrong ones?

That's where the style guide helps. By sticking your focus on the style guide, you build most, if not all of the pieces beforehand. Eventually, when you start the puzzle, you have a picture of what it should look like and all the pieces required to do so.

To give you an idea, here's what our style guide looks like:

Before we started building the Minneapolis Yoga Conference website, we translated the design into a style guide. These components were the pieces we needed to finish the puzzle.&nbsp;

Before we started building the Minneapolis Yoga Conference website, we translated the design into a style guide. These components were the pieces we needed to finish the puzzle. 

It's not fancy, but it gave us a starting point to put things together.

As you can see, the style guide sort've follows the layout of the website; but it's a bit different. Nothing is functional. There's no javascript here. It's simply a breakdown of components we'll be using to build the website.

Each of these components is self contained. They aren't changed by their parent. An MYC Navigation Bar element looks the same regardless of where it's placed in the DOM. If you have a naming conflict in your stylesheets, you'll see it immediately on your style guide.

Is this style guide perfect? No. There are ways to take this much further. We aren't listing out colors and font sizes here, but that's something you could do. You could add descriptions to each component with declarations on when and where to use them.

Using a style guide has the added benefit of giving you a starting point for content you wish to add in the future. Is there a component you could re-use or modify slightly? Having all of your pieces in one box will help.

As an application gets larger, it's tough to remember all the different pieces you may be using. A style guide can be a quick reference to the various components used in your application.

Storing content in flat files

This website has a significant amount of content. That content will also change over time. Also, we don't always have control over when we receive that content.

As we were building it, we were still collecting bio and headshot information from instructors. We also knew we'd be getting new studio partners as the conference neared. We needed to do something so a developer was unnecessary when those content updates were required.

To help us with that, we stored content in YML files and rendered the content dynamically. Essentially, the website has a primitive database which can be updated easily with a text editor.

Here's what one of those files looks like:

- name: Jon Snow
  headshot: "john.png"
  bio_pic: "john-bio.jpg"
  bio: >
    Jon Snow is the son of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. He has five half-siblings: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark. Unaware of the identity of his mother, Jon was raised at Winterfell. At the age of fourteen, he joins the Night's Watch, where he earns the nickname Lord Snow. Jon is one of the major POV characters in A Song of Ice and Fire. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, Jon is portrayed by Kit Harington. Source:

These files are accompanied by a simple Ruby class resembling an ActiveRecord model. We did this so we could write code as if we were accessing the database. In the future, we may find it useful to put the content in a different place. By doing it this way, we won't need to change the templates responsible for rendering the content.

class Myc::Presenter
  def self.all
    @all ||= YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join("config", "myc", "presenters.yml"))

This allows us to use the following in our templates:

<% Myc::Presenter.all.each do |presenter| %>
  <a class="blurb presenter">
    <div class="blurb-image">
      <div class="blurb-image-inner">
        <%= image_tag "myc/presenters/#{presenter["headshot"]}", size: "150x150", alt: "Presenter: #{presenter["name"]} Headshot" %>
<% end %>

This gave us a distinct advantage. Once we programmed the content to pull from the flat files, a non-developer could handle content additions and updates. In other words, a developer could focus on pushing the implementation forward. They weren't distracted by an update to a headshot or bio.

The main reason non-developers could handle these content updates was GitHub. This was a lucky side effect of using GitHub for all of our projects.

Using the GitHub web interface, a non-developer was able to upload headshots and edit files; all inside a new pull request. When the pull request was ready, the new content was merged and the site updated without the help of a developer. This was helpful because of the effort involved with image production (cropping, optimization, etc.) and gathering content from many different people. The website was updated much faster this way.

Obviously this is just one approach to making content updates accessible to more people. We could have opted for a database based approach with a web interface. I'm sure you could use something like ActiveAdmin to achieve that.

However, we wanted something quick and dirty. We didn't want to spend a bunch of time learning some other system. We were able to quickly experiment with this method and determine it was going to work for us.

Horizontal Touch Menu

One of the trends on the mobile web is horizontal scrolling. Touch scrolling horizontally is a natural gesture.

You can see examples of horizontal touch scrolling in use on the websites and apps of Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Basecamp, and many others.

This is what our horizontal scrolling looks like on mobile. A person can swipe left and right to access more information.&nbsp;We fade out the left and right sides to indicate there's something more to see.

This is what our horizontal scrolling looks like on mobile. A person can swipe left and right to access more information. We fade out the left and right sides to indicate there's something more to see.

The key to all of this is a non-standard CSS rule called -webkit-overflow-scrolling. However, you still need a few more things to get this right.

We start with a set of three elements. In our case, we chose to use a div for the container, a nav to indicate navigation, and a ul to house the menu elements. Something like this should work.

<div class="touch-container">
  <nav class="nav">
    <ul class="nav-ites">

You'll want to start by giving your ul element a list-style of none and the li elements a display of inline-block. For the purposes of this demo, we'll also increase the font-size and padding for the li elements. This will help us demonstrate horizontal touch scrolling.

  .nav-items {
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;
  .nav-items > li {
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 24px;
    padding: 12px 24px;

Next, on the ul element, set overflow-x to auto and overflow-y to hidden. This will allow the browser to use a scrollbar if things overflow in the x direction. If anything overflows in the y direction, it will be hidden.

  .nav-items {
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;
    overflow-x: auto;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;
  .nav-items > li {
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 24px;
    padding: 12px 24px;

At this point, you can add -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; to your ul element. Congratulations. You now have a working version of a horizontal touch scrolling navigation. You could stop here, but there's one last trick that will make things look a bit nicer. You don't want that ugly scroll bar showing up when people swipe to the left and right.

The container div is responsible for hiding the horizontal scroll bar. Without it, a horizontal scroll bar will show when a person is interacting with your navigation. If you don’t care about that, you could get away with not using a container div. In our case, we wanted to hide the scroll bar. This container div works together with the ul to hide the scroll bar. To hide the scrollbar, you’ll be doing two things:

  • Setting a height and changing the overflow to hidden on the container div.
  • Giving the ul element a bottom padding (pushing the scroll bar out of view).

Once you've done all that, your CSS should look like this.

  .touch-container {
    overflow: hidden;
    height: 68px;
  .nav-items {
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;
    overflow-x: auto;
    overflow-y: hidden;
    white-space: nowrap;
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
  .nav-items > li {
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 24px;
    padding: 12px 24px;
    padding-bottom: 50px;

Wrapping Up

When all was said and done, we were satisfied with how things turned out. When we started the Minneapolis Yoga Conference website, we looked for ways to make progress more efficient. Coming from Squarespace, we had an opportunity to do things our way.

In the future, we'll continue to use style guides to help with development. We also want to continue exploring ways to bring non-developers closer to the release cycle. This may mean different things at different times. In the case of this website, it was quicker content updates. On a different project, it may mean something else.

Finally, if you haven't noticed horizontal touch scrolling before, I'm sure you will now. It's starting to be used in many different places. If you find a neat use of it, let us know in the comments below.

Beginner Web Developer Series: Debugging (for web developers)

This is part one of five in my Beginner Web Developer series. It's a series of posts targeted toward people who want to be web developers. These people could be high school or college students as well as people looking for a new career. The series is not focused on writing code, but rather, the countless other things you must do as a web developer.

If you know how to debug a web application, you'll add a ton of value to your team and to your company. Simply knowing how to use the developer tools in your web browser will get you a long way. Even if you're only responsible for QA (quality assurance), being able to investigate what's happening with an application is a great skill.

Image Credit:&nbsp;Michael Himbeault (

Image Credit: Michael Himbeault (

You don't learn how to debug overnight. It's a way of thinking developed year after year. After awhile, you'll develop intuitions about bugs to help you solve them quickly. This will help you work faster and move on to other important things. Simply put, if you put in the effort to debug, you'll improve as a web developer.

Interpreting bug reports

Whether it comes from a customer or a colleague, you'll have to field a lot of bug reports as a web developer. Knowing how to interpret these bug reports is a key skill you should be growing over time. Asking the right questions is key to success.

You'll be receiving bug reports from non-technical people. Remember, they don't know everything about your application, so they're trying their best to explain their problem. Also, they might rely on your application for day to day operations and the bug they're reporting is making their day rather frustrating. As frustrated as they may be, you should stay calm.

Since most people will be non-technical, you'll often need to politely ask for clarification. What browser are they using? What page were they on? What were the exact steps performed before this happened? Some of these questions may sound simple on the surface, but they'll be difficult to answer. Remember, non-technical means the person isn't a developer. They aren't trying to trick you - if you need more clarification, ask again. Even better, ask for a screenshot.

Gathering this information can be tough for both you and the customer providing it. You must learn how to bridge this communication gap. Try to refer to things in terms they'll understand. Keep note of the way you communicate to figure out what works and what doesn't. Screen-sharing and/or screen recordings can be a great tool when used correctly.

Once you think you have enough information, reproduce it yourself. Keep track of the steps you took to reproduce it. Once it's fixed, you can use those steps to double check your work.

If you can't reproduce, it could be a problem that only exists on a certain browser. CSS and JavaScript can easily behave somewhat differently on each browser. Use Google to search for similar issues.

Screen Shot 2015-12-16 at 1.48.12 PM.png

If you still can't reproduce the issue, check your copy and any error messages you might see. Maybe the customer is getting confused. Your company may need to tweak the way things are worded on a page. Although these aren't bugs in the software sense, these are bugs within the user experience. These can be especially frustrating. The customer wants to do something (like reset their password), and the application is telling them they can't. Did you know? According to the Gartner Group, between 20% to 50% of all help desk calls are for password resets.

After you've properly interpreted the bug report and reproduced the issue, you're ready to work toward a fix. Even if you aren't assigned to implement the actual fix, performing the next few steps will prove invaluable to the person eventually assigned to the problem.

Checking for recent code changes

The easiest place to look is the latest release. Find the most recent deployment to production and start looking through what changed (if you use GitHub, you can perform a diff to see changes). Take a look at the developer responsible for most of the changes and ask them about the issue. They'll be most familiar with the code and chances are the code will still be fresh in their mind.

Remember, you aren't trying to assign blame. You're trying to investigate the issue. Pulling in the right people is key. The right person should have an idea of where to look.

If you're on your own and the release was large, your best bet is to look through each commit. If you're not yet familiar with version control, a commit is a set of changes to the code. It's like a before and after photo.

If the release was small, you'll likely want to look at everything at once. If your team uses pull requests (a group of commits with a related discussion), check that. Use the pull request to see all changes made since the last release.

Building a timeline

Not all bugs are new. While it's important to first look at the most recent changes to the application, you may have some bugs that have existed for some time. These issues are usually not critical, but still result in undesired behavior. Either way, it's still important to be able to identify these elder bugs.

Since you're likely using version control, you should be pulling up the commit history of the application in question. Your best tool will be talking with other developers and looking at the history of changes. If you know the general section of code which is causing the problem, you can look at the history of changes to that section. GitHub has a tutorial about seeing the difference between files.

Once you figure out when the bug was introduced, your first reaction shouldn't be to tell the developer responsible for it. Try to figure out the exact date and time when this change hit production. You should be able to determine when it was released and what particular release it was introduced with. Keeping a history of deployments to production is considered a best practice in the industry.

A timeline of a bug is important for many different reasons. It's particularly important to understand the impact of the issue. If it's existed in production for over a year, chances are there isn't much impact. If an issue is high impact, it effects a lot of people and your customer service team will be bombarded with incoming tickets from concerned (and some pissed off) customers.

If the issue isn't high impact, you should understand the value of a fix. It may not be that important to your company and you should classify it as such. However, changing gears is important. If an issue is determined to be high impact, you should react as such.

Proposing a solution

Understand the impact. Do you need to perform emergency maintenance? Do you need to forward this to every developer so they can stop what they're doing and work on it immediately? If so, you don't want to release a quick fix only to see the issue grow or to see an entirely new issue pop up. Most often, taking the time to properly fix a high impact issue is much more important than the speed in which you fix it. In the typically long timeline of an application, one bug is nothing but a blip on the radar.

Try not to take on extra pressure while fixing a high impact issue. While you don't want to spend days patching up a critical bug, you don't want to allow someone to drive you to make more mistakes. If you don't feel comfortable in what you're doing, say it. It's your responsibility to admit what you don't know.

If you get assigned to fix the issue, use your ability to reproduce it. Only change what's absolutely necessary. You don't want to introduce new and unrelated issues. You also don't want to work on other features, tweaks, or anything else. Stay focused on the issue and only that issue. After you implement a fix, follow the same steps you used to reproduce the issue. If the issue remains, your fix wasn't a fix.

Why did this happen?

After fixing the issue, reflect.

Try to understand the bug. Was it a typo? Was it an honest mistake or a misspelling? Is it something that should have been caught in a code review? Was the logic in the code completely wrong? Is there a test you could write that would've caught this issue before it hit production? Sometimes you might ask, how did this ever happen?

It's ok to ask these questions as long as you don't make it personal. Reflecting on a bug isn't a shaming session. It's a chance to learn and improve what you do in the future. You may not have all the answers - feel free to encourage the other developers on your team to discuss it.

If you're the developer responsible for the bug, take full responsibility for it. Don't try to pass it off on others. No matter what, stand up for yourself if need be. If other people on your team are criticizing you, listen but remind them you're only human. The best thing you can do is focus on getting better. The good thing about mistakes is we learn from them. Chances are, the bug will stick with you and you won't make the same mistake in the future.

If you're not responsible for the issue and simply reviewing it with your team, don't shame the responsible party. Empty criticism doesn't help anyone. Be helpful. Help them get better. When they get better, your team gets better.

Bonus: Developer tools (Chrome)

For sake of simplicity, we'll stick to Chrome and its phenomenal suite of developer tools. Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Why is this link a certain color? (Inspecting CSS)
  • Does this text look better if it's slightly larger? (Tweaking CSS)
  • Why is this button not doing what it's supposed to do? (Checking for JavasScript errors)

If you're using Google Chrome, right-click anywhere on a web page and click Inspect Element. This will open the developer tools (which look something like the below image).


When I started writing this, my intention was to write this section on my own. I had a vision of a section of animated gifs and some text. Then, Dev Tips Daily popped up in my Twitter feed. I don't think I could do a much better job, so I'm linking to my favorite ones.

Learn how to search by CSS class. Quickly change an HTML element. Copy the response of something on the network tab. If you want to become a power user of these developer tools, I encourage you to signup for their daily email. You'll surely learn something new every day.


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Announcing the colorizable gem

We were working on a project recently where we needed to store colors and convert those colors to different formats (we build custom iPhone apps for studios that use Tula Software). Rather than jump right in and write our own code for this, we looked around a found a great gem called color.

We were further inspired by one of my favorite gems, money-rails, which allows you to simply mark an attribute as "money" and it does all the work for you (formatting, currency, converting to dollars if stored as cents).

We threw together a similar gem called colorizable. Colorizable gives you all the power of the color gem, turned on with a simple "colorize" statement.

If you're a small team with no sysops guy, PaaS will save your SaaS

We've recognized it time and time again.

Just this past week, the GHOST issue (glibc gethostbyname buffer overflow) popped up. Many people all over the world were scrambling to patch their servers. Large companies and small companies alike, they all had to deal with it one way or another.

As usual with anything like this, we looked to Engine Yard for an update. Our app servers and database servers are hosted on Amazon EC2 and Engine Yard is a PaaS that sits on top of it. Engine Yard provided their customers with a timely update about the issue and how they planned to solve it.

They've gained our trust over time, so we simply stopped worrying about it and waited until they released their patch. Once they released their patch, we followed their detailed instructions and applied the patch on our own schedule. As with something as far reaching as GHOST, it wasn't super easy, but we made it through and we're now the proud owners of patched servers and relaxed minds.

With our servers hosted on vanilla EC2 and without a talented, dedicated sysops guy, this situation would have been a nightmare for us. Instead of shipping new improvements to our product, we would've been at a full stop investigating, experimenting, testing, etc. etc. We don't consider ourselves experts when it comes to managing servers. While most of our engineers have plenty of experience with Linux, we don't want to mess around with sysops.

We want to focus on what we do best - releasing software.

Do we always want to be afraid of Chef recipes, server updates, automated provisioning and the like? Certainly not. However, at this point, we don't want to rely on it as a core competency.

By not hosting your product on a PaaS, you're designating sysops as a core competency of your engineering team. If you don't, you'll pay the price.

One day, you might pay the price in security. You won't have anyone watching out for security issues and your servers will go unpatched, open to abuse.

Next time, you might lose a week or two on scaling. You won't have a proper, load-balanced cluster. Your servers will be on fire. Your engineering team will be firefighting for days. They'll have to learn Chef, haproxy, and countless other things they haven't been spending time with.

You'll most definitely be paying the price during your day-to-day operations. Your deploys will cause downtime. Deploys will be frowned upon. Your engineering won't be happy. They'll have to stay late to deploy something that should've been deployed as soon as it was ready.

Companies that manage everything from deployments to automated scaling are saying, "Hey, sysops is important to us. It's a core competency of our business. We get huge value from it." If you're trying to imitate them and you don't have anyone focused on sysops, you're not ready. Companies like Facebook get huge value from their data centers. They need them. If you're not ready to hire someone with a specific focus on the subject, you don't.

The argument for small businesses and PaaS is a numbers game - in a good way. You might think it's more expensive at first, but it's not. Here's an easy list of things we receive from Engine Yard:

  • Someone to talk to when a weird problem pops up
  • Someone to be on the lookout for security patches
  • Someone to ask about scaling
  • Someone to alert us about server maintenance on EC2
  • Someone to improve our server configuration

That's just the short list. When you start to think about the amount of value you get from a PaaS, it's enormous. It's far cheaper than what you would be paying someone in annual salary to be your sysops guy.